Cefalù: the whole of Sicily in a village

Cefalù is one of the most famous touristic destinations in Sicily and every year attracts many visitors from all over the world.
The city is located on the northern coast of Sicily, at the foot of “La Rocca” a rocky mountain that in dialect is called “U Castieddu”. It is 268 meters high, under which the whole city extends.
Cefalù is part of “Parco delle Madonie”, a protected natural area that includes fifteen municipalities. Furthermore, it is included in the Club “I Borghi più belli d’Italia”, an association of small Italian towns that stand out for their artistic, cultural and historical importance, and also for the urban center, livability and services to citizens.

Art and tradition: the Cefalù you don’t expect

The Duomo, represents the most monumental work and testimony left by the Normans. Due to its importance, from 3 july 2015, the Cathedral of Cefalù has became part of the World heritage, and has been included in the Arab-Norman Itinerary of Palermo, Cefalù and Monreale. Cefalù can be considered a multi-target location, because its heritage and resources are able to attract and satisfy the needs and desires of various travelers. The touristic city offers in fact a catch for the lovers of the sea, the beach and coastal areas. It offers opportunities for recreation and entertainment for young people and opportunities for relax and recreation for families and the elderly.
Inside the historic center and on the coast, you can find fine restaurants and clubs that offer good food and attractive views. The territory cherishes artistic, historical, cultural, naturalistic, landscapes and environmental resources. All elements of attraction for travelers.
Furthermore, the city occupies a strategic geographical position, both due to its proximity to the airports of Palermo, Catania and Trapani and because from Cefalù, it is possible to reach other places of interest and other tourist destinations in less or just over two hours.
For us, as operators in the hospitality sector and citizens at the same time, we will be glad to welcome you and help make your holiday in Cefalù pleasant and unforgettable.